
I am currently an undergraduate student at Northwestern University studying Computer Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science.


The coding languages I use consist of C++, C, and Python. I also have knowledge in Assembly, HTML5, CSS, Racket, MATLAB, and ARM-32/x86-64.

The developer tools I use (in order of familiarity) are Github, Git, VSCode, TF, Torch, React, and React Native.

Some general tools I have knowledge in are Notion, Microsoft Office, Google Suite, Trello, and Canva.

I also speak Korean at a native proficiency, and am fluent in Spanish.


Currently, my interests comprise of competitive programming, quantitative analysis, software engineering, and machine learning.

I also enjoy learning new languages, harp, tennis, pickleball, and chess.

More information

My resume is located here.

My harp resume is located here.