International Conference on AI in Finance - FinRL Contest

Aided in the design of the annual Financial RL Contest through speed and interface optimizations.

Optimized exchange platform by migrating computation-heavy code from Python to C++.

C++ Compiler

Wrote a compiler from scratch in C++ that takes C++ esque code and converts it to assembly level code.

Leveraged methods such as variable spilling, graph coloring, and merge trees to optimize compile times.

No Distractions

Developed a productivity-focused mobile application utilizing React Native.

Leveraged Javascript and Android APIs to dynamically generate a list of apps to block, and developed a custom notification service to send notifications when blocked apps are opened.

Ongoing: Use administrator permissions (with user-sided consent) for full application blockage during work times.

Reinforcement Learning Blackjack

Implemented Q-Learning RL using Python to a previous coded OOP based Blackjack.

Trains a machine learning model to play Blackjack optimally based off specified number of generations.

Fintech Slackbot

Designed and implemented a slackbot consuming server status logs and producing messages when operating condition rules are violated.

SASE Committee Website

Designed and implemented a website leveraging HTML5 and CSS for ease of information dispersal regarding committee goals and events.